- Environmental health diagnosis based on remote sensing
- Public health research using spatial information technology
- Forest and ecological remote sensing
Min Xu
Min Xu
Aerospace Information Research Institute,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Associate Professor
Min Xu, PhD, is an Associate professor and graduate supervisor at the Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as Deputy Director of Research Laboratory of Environmental Health Remote Sensing in Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on Public health research using spatial information technology, environmental health diagnosis based on remote sensing.
He is Director of the Social Remote Sensing Geographic Computing Professional Committee of the China Remote Sensing Application Association, member of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Group of the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism, and member of the Epidemic Spatiotemporal Model Analysis Group of the Big Data Analysis Special Team of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Group.
He Has undertaken more than 20 national key research and development program projects, major sub projects of the 863 program, and national natural science foundation projects, published over 80 academic papers in academic journals such as Science Bulletin and Science China Earth Sciences, participated in the compilation of 8 Chinese and English monographs, and led the development of 3 standards.
Additionally, he won the first prize for excellent achievements from the Survey and Planning Institute of the State Forestry Administration, as well as the Best Paper Award at the International High end Forum on Sustainable Development of Spatial Information.
Research interests
2008-09-2013-06, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Ph.D
2002-09-2006-06, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Information and Computational Science, B.S.
2014-02-Present, Aerospace Information Research/Institute/Institute of Remote sensing and digital earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Associate professor
2011-07-2014-01, Institute of Remote sensing and digital earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Assistant professor.
- Liang H, Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao, Shaobo Zhong, Xinwei Yang, Barjeece Bashir, Kaiming Wang, Heyi Guo, Xiaotong Gao, Jingbo Li and Yujie Yang. Ecological vulnerability assessment and spatial-temporal variations analysis in typical ecologically vulnerable areas of China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2024.
- Xu M., Cao CX, Li ZL, Zhang L. Editorial: Application of Spatial Information Technology in Infectious Disease Surveillance. Frontiers in Public Health, 2024,12,1435397
- Gao, X.; Cao, C.; Xu, M.; Yang, X.; Li, J.; Duerler, R. S.; Wang, K.; Guo, H.; Yang, Y. , Ecological risk assessment of grassland vegetation change based on Bayesian model in Xilin Gol League. Ecological Indicators, 2023.
- Huang Z, Cao C, Xu M, et al. Impact of Environmental Exposure on Chronic Diseases in China and Assessment of Population Health Vulnerability[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2023, 12(4), 155.
- Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao, Heyi Guo, Yiyu Chen, Zhongwei Jia. Exploring the Association Between Infectious Diarrheal Diseases and Sea Surface Temperatures — Coastal Areas of China, 2009–2018, CHINA CDC WEEKLY, 2022, 4(7): 126-129
- Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao, Peng Jia. Mapping Fine-Scale Urban Spatial Population Distribution Based on High-Resolution Stereo Pair Images, Points of Interest, and Land Cover Data. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(4), 608.
- Min Xu, Haibing Xiang, Hongquan Yun, Xiliang Ni, Wei Chen, Chunxiang Cao. Retrieval of forest canopy height jointly using airborne LiDAR and ALOS PALSAR Data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 2019, 14(2).
- Yujuan Yue, Xiaobo Liu, Min Xu, Dongsheng Ren, Qiyong Liu. Epidemiological dynamics of dengue fever in mainland China, 2014–2018. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2019,86: 82-93.
- M. XU, C. X. CAO*, D. C. WANG, B. KAN, Y. F. XU, X. L. NI and Z. C. ZHU. Environmental factor analysis of cholera in China using remote sensing and geographical information systems. Epidemiology & Infection, 2016 , 144(5) :940-951.
- Xu M., Cao C.X. *, Wang D.C., Kan B., Zhang, H., Jia H.C., Ji W., Li X.W. District prediction of cholera risk in China based on environmental factors. Science Bulletin. 2013,58(23):2798-2804
- Min Xu, Chunxiang Cao*, Hao Zhang, Jianping Guo, Kaneyuki Nakane, Qisheng He, Jianghong Guo, Chaoyi Chang, Yunfei Bao, Mengxu Gao, Xiaowen Li. Change detection of earthquake-induced barrier lake based on remote sensing image classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010, 31(13):3521-3514
- XU Min, CAO ChunXiang*, TONG QingXi, LI ZengYuan, ZHANG Hao, HE QiSheng, GAO MengXu, ZHAO Jian, ZHENG Sheng, CHEN Wei, ZHENG LanFen. Remote sensing based shrub above-ground biomass and carbon storage mapping in Mu Us desert, China. Science in China series E: Technological Sciences, 2010,53:176-183
- 徐敏,曹春香,程锦泉,吴永胜,谢旭,李小文. 甲流感疫情时空聚集性的 GIS分析,地球信息科学学报,2010,12(5): 707-712
- 曹春香,徐敏,常超一,等.基于元模型的高致病性禽流感传播风险研究[J].科学通报,2010, 55(33): 3205-3213
- 曹春香,徐敏,何祺胜,张颢. 多源遥感数据应用于森林健康研究的趋势. 遥感学报, 2009.13(s).
- 曹春香,陈伟,潘洁,徐敏,刘诚等. “树流感”爆发风险遥感诊断. 中国林业出版社. 2021
- 曹春香,徐敏,张颢,李文秀,丁明. 环境健康遥感诊断典型应用. 科学出版社. 2021.
- Cao.CX. Xu M., et al. Environmental remote sensing in flooding areas. Higher education press & Springer, 2020.
- 张志杰,姜庆五,徐敏,等.空间流行学. 高等教育出版社,2020.
- 曹春香,徐敏,陆诗雷,陈伟,尹航. 环境健康遥感诊断系统,科学出版社,2018
- 曹春香,徐敏,陈伟,何彬彬,陈秀万,典型脆弱区生态环境综合评价,科学出版社, 2017
- 曹春香,倪希亮,张煜星,徐敏,刘迪,环境健康遥感诊断关键技术,科学出版社, 2017
- 曹春香,陈伟,黄晓勇,田蓉,徐敏,环境健康遥感诊断指标体系,科学出版社,2017
[1] 国家重点研发计划子课题,2021YFB39011042,植被变化遥感监测诊断与风险评估技术研究,2021/12-2024/11,110万元,主持
[2] 国家重点研发计划专题任务,2021YFB390130504,陆海复杂区域生态健康遥感诊断软件集成与测试,2021/12-2025/11,60万元,在研,主持
[3] 国家重点研发计划课题,2017YFD0600903,区域人工林资源遥感动态监测技术,2017/07-2020/12,427万元,主持
[4] 国家重点研发计划课题,地球资源环境动态监测综合应用示范,2016/7-2021/6,1112万,参与
[5] 企业委托项目,基于位置大数据的城市风险诊断测试与分析,2021/6-2021/12,19.5万元,主持
[6] 6.企业委托项目,MB91001,海洋气象数据采集、处理及可视化技术研究,2020/1-2021/12,33万元,主持
[7] 江西省重点研发项目,20181BBG70036,鄱阳湖湿地动态变化遥感监测及其环境健康诊断,2018/01-2020/12,20万元,课题主持
[8] 国家林业和草原局,林草创新项目,2020232108,陆地生态系统状况监测与评估,2020/8-2022/8,100万,参加
[9] 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,41971394,林草适宜度遥感诊断模型研究,2020/01-2023/12,62万元,参加
[10] 遥感科学国家重点实验室仪器研发项目,“树流感”遥感诊断指标要素测量系统,2018/1 - 2020/12, 148万,共同主持.
[11] 武汉大学地理国情国家测绘局重点实验室开放基金重点项目,2015NGCM,基于房屋类型及AsiaPop数据的城市精细化人口空间数据产品研究,2016/01-2017/12,8万元,主持
[12] 国家林业局,林业公益性行业科研专项,201504323,“树流感”爆发风险遥感诊断与预警研究,2015/01-2017/12,206万元,参加.
[13] 国家科技基础性工作专项项目,2013FY111803,中国沼泽湿地资源及其主要生态环境效益综合调查,2013/06-2018/05,1405万元,参加.
[14] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41301502,中国东南沿海地区霍乱发病时空分布规律及预测模型研究,2014/01-2016/12,25万元,主持
[15] 国家863重大项目课题,2013AA12A302,典型应用领域全球定量遥感专题产品生产体系,2014/01-2016/12,1725万元,参加(子课题主持)
[16] 三峡后续工作科研项目,三峡库区生态屏障区生态效益监测技术与评价方法研究, 2015/01 - 2018/12, 450万元,参加
[17] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41171330,基于空间信息技术的中国树流感风险与森林健康相关性分析研究,2012/01-2015/12,60万元,参加
[18] 中科院国际合作项目,基于中泰遥感卫星数据的水灾频发地区的洪水灾害监测及预测预警研究 ,2015/01-2016/12,30万元,参加
[19] 中国科学院遥感地球所所长青年基金项目,Y3SJ8600CX,H7N9禽流感环境影响要素与时空传播模型研究,2013/05-2015/4,10万元,主持
[20] 遥感科学国家重点实验室人才培育项目,13RC-08,近海水环境变化对沿海地区霍乱发病的影响分析,2013/01-2014/12,8万元,主持
[21] 遥感科学国家重点实验室重大研究计划项目,ZD12-5,环境变化遥感与公众健康,2012/01-2014/12,500万元,参加
[22] 国家重大科技专项项目课题,2008ZX10004-012,传染病多维信息集成分析与传播风险预测技术研究,2008/01-2011/12,2298万元,参加
[23] 民用航天预研项目,主被动遥感关键技术评价与验证,2011/12-2014/12,450万,子课题负责
[24] 青海省重大科技攻关项目“青海东昆仑成矿带特性与地表复杂条件下多尺度成矿目标遥感快速探测技术研究”,2008/9—2009/8,150万,参加
[25] 国家林业局项目“湿地生态系统评价体系研究”,2009/9—2012/5,90万,参加
[26] 中国科学院重点部署项目,双色红外环境健康遥感诊断系统研发, 2015.1—2018/12,200万,已结题,参加
[1] 曹春香,徐敏,陈逸雨. 海洋遥感产品可视化系统V1.0, 2021SR0802609
[2] 徐敏,曹春香,谢波等. 森林结构参数遥感反演系统V1.0,2020SR1211775
[3] 徐敏,曹春香,倪希亮等. 区域人工林资源遥感动态监测系统V1.0,2019SR0888476
[4] 曹春香,徐敏. 全球生态环境遥感诊断系统V1.0, 2017SR059166
[5] 曹春香,徐敏. 全球生态环境遥感监测专题产品生产系统V1.0 , 2017SR059163
[6] 曹春香,许允飞,徐敏.生态环境评价数据资源管理系统V1.0, 2013SR149979
[7] 曹春香,许允飞,徐敏. 地球遥感诊所资源管理系统V1.0, 2013SR029223
[8] [8]曹春香,徐敏. 环境健康遥感诊断与预警演示软件V1.0, 2012SR030629
[9] [9]曹春香,徐敏. 传染病多维立体可视化系统V1.0, 2012SR023343
1.徐敏,曹春香. 区域人工遥感动态监测关键技术研究. 首届全球空间信息可持续发展大会优秀论文奖. 中国遥感应用协会. 2023
2. 徐敏(11/12),鞍山市森林资源监测技术体系研发与应用研究报告,国家林业局调查规划设计院优秀成果,一等奖,2013
3. 徐敏,第二届环境健康遥感诊断国际研讨会优秀论文奖,成都:电子科技大学. 2012.