
Yingbiao Chen

Yingbiao Chen
Guangzhou University
Urban Ecology and Environment Remote Sensing Research Centre, Director


Yingbiao Chen, Ph.D., Professor, is the supervisor of Master's Degree in Cartography and GIS, Resources and Environment (Master of Engineering). He is the deputy director of Guangdong Province Geographic State Information Monitoring and Comprehensive Analysis Engineering Technology Research Centre, and the director of Guangzhou University Urban Ecology and Environment Remote Sensing Research Centre.

He has long been engaged in teaching and scientific research in urban remote sensing, GIS spatial analysis models, GIS human and social analysis methods, 3D simulation and virtual reality. He has been to the United States, Australia and other countries for short-term academic visits.

He has presided over and completed more than 20 national and provincial research projects, such as the sub-themes of the National Science and Technology Support Programme, the Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Fund of the Ministry of Education, the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, the Science and Technology Programme of Guangdong Province, etc. He is currently presiding over the sub-themes of the Science and Technology Special Project of the National Key Research and Development Programme, the Guangdong Province's Major Science and Technology Special Project for the Industry-University-Research Institute and the Special Project for the Key Science and Technology Programme of Guangzhou City. He has published more than 100 papers in academic journals at home and abroad, 30 papers in SCI, SSCI and EI, and has edited 5 textbooks and monographs.

His research achievements have been awarded the Second Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of Research Achievements of Chinese Colleges and Universities by the Ministry of Education, the First Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress in Geographic Information, the Third Prize of Teaching Achievements in Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information by the State Bureau of Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information, and he has presided over the construction of Provincial Excellence Courses of Geographic Information System and the Network Resource Sharing Course.

Research interests

  1. Remote sensing of urban ecology and environment
  2. Geographical condition monitoring and dynamic change analysis
  3. GIS spatial analysis model and human-social analysis methods
  4. UAV inclined photogrammetry and 3D simulation modelling


  • 2000-2003, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D.

  • 1994-1997, Northeast Normal University, School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, M.S.

  • 1988-1992, Northeast Normal University, Department of Geography, B.S.


  • 2009-Present, School of Geographic Science and Remote Sensing, Guangzhou University, Professor

  • 2007-2011, Guangzhou University, School of Geographic Sciences, Associate Dean (in charge of teaching and laboratory work)

  • 2004-2009, Guangzhou University, School of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor

  • 2000-2004, Guangzhou University, College of Science, Department of Geography, Lecturer

  • 1997-2000, Guangzhou Normal College, Department of Geography, Assistant Professor

  • 1992-1994, Changchun No. 5 Middle School, Teacher


[1] Yingbiao Chen, Kang-tsung Chang, Fuzhuang Han, David Karacsonyi, Qinglan Qian,Investigating urbanization and its spatial determinants in the central districts of Guangzhou, China,Habitat International, Volume 51, February 2016, Pages 59–69.(SSCI)
[2] Zihao Zheng, Yingbiao Chen, Zhifeng Wu, Xinyue Ye, Guanhua Guo & Qinglan Qian, The desaturation method of DMSP/OLS nighttime light data based on vector data: taking the rapidly urbanized China as an example, International Journal of Geographical Information Science,2018(10). doi/full/10.1080/13658816.2018.1538516
[3] Zhiwei Yang,Yingbiao Chen*,Qinglan Qian,Zhifeng Wu, Zihao Zheng and Qingyao Huang,Coupling relationship between construction land expansion and high-temperature area expansion in China’s three major urban agglomerations,International Journal of Remote Sensing,2019(4). ISSN: 0143-1161, https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2019.1590877
[4] Zhiwei Yang,Yingbiao Chen⁎, Zhifeng Wu, Qinglan Qiana, Zihao Zheng, Qingyao Huang, Spatial heterogeneity of the thermal environment based on the urban expansion of natural cities using open data in Guangzhou, China, Ecological Indicators,2019(5):524-534 (SCI JCR Q1)
[5] Yanfeng Jiang , Qinglan Qian*, , Xiaoling Zhang and Yingbiao Chen,The Formation of Government-Oriented Creative Community and Its Driving Mechanisms: A Case Study of the 39◦ Space Art Creative Community in Foshan, China,sustainability, 2019, 11(625)(SCI JCR Q2) doi:10.3390/su11030625
[6] Zheng Cao, Zhifeng Wu, Lin Liu, Yinbiao Chen, Yuxuan Zou,Assessing the relationship between anthropogenic heat release warming and building characteristics in Guangzhou: A sustainable development perspective,Science of the Total Environment,2019(8) (SCI JCR Q1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133759
[7] Zhiwei Yang,Yingbiao Chen*,Zihao Zheng, QingyaoHuang, Zhifeng Wu*,Application of building geometry indexes to assess the correlation between buildings and air temperature,Building and Environment,2020,167(1) (SCI JCR Q1) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106477
[8] Zihao Zheng, Zhifeng Wu, Yingbiao Chen, Zhiwei Yang,Francesco Marinello,Exploration of eco-environment and urbanization changes in coastal zones:A case study in China over the past 20 years,Ecological Indicators,2020,169(6)
[9] Yingbiao Chen, Zhifeng Wu, Qinglan Qian, Zihao Zheng, Fuzhuang Han,Dynamic monitoring and spatiotemporal evolution of the coastline in Pearl River Estuary in recent fifty years. 2016 Third International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications, 978-1-5090-1479-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE.
[10] Zihao Zheng,Yingbiao Chen, Zhifeng Wu, Qinglan Qian, Jianjun Liu,Correlation between Land Surface Temperature Inversion (Based on Landsat-8) and PM2.5 Concentration-Taking Guangzhou as an Example. 2016 Third International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications, 978-1-5090-1479-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE.
[11] 陈颖彪,李雁,千庆兰,郭冠华,基于TM 数据的广州市番禺区土地覆被格局分析,地理科学,2012,32(4):458-463
[12] 郭冠华,陈颖彪,魏建兵,吴志峰,容晓臻,粒度变化对城市热岛空间格局分析的影响,生态学报,2012,32(12):3764-3771
[13] 冯志新,陈颖彪,千庆兰,王帅帅,东莞市交通路网格局对城市空间扩张的影响,地球信息科学学报,2014,16(1):79-86
[14] 郑子豪,陈颖彪,吴志峰等,单元路网长度的DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据去饱和方法,遥感学报,2018,22(1):161-173


[1] 21世纪高等学校物流管理系列教材《物流管理信息系统》,副主编,2005年,华南理工大学出版
[2] 区域物流学-发展与管理(教材),参编,2011年11月,武汉大学出版社
[3] 传统制造业专业镇发展模式转型与产业升级,千庆兰,陈颖彪,余国扬等著,参编5万字,2014年6月,科学出版社
[4] 地理信息系统概论-普通高等院校地理科学专业系列教材,参编,2016年10月,科学出版社, ISBN 978-7-03-050039-7
[5] 地理信息系统导论(原著第十版),(美)张康聪著;陈健飞,胡嘉骢,陈颖彪译,北京:科学出版社,2019.3


[1] 基于空间信息的珠江三角洲物流配送仿真模型研究(A0710),中国科学院资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室开放研究基金资助课题,主持,3万元,2008.1.1-2010.12.30,完成
[2] 珠三角物流企业空间集聚特征及配送模型研究(11YJAZH016),教育部人文社科规划基金项目,主持,9万元,2012.1.1-2014.12.30,完成
[3] 基于真三维GIS技术的数字化考古及文物保护关键技术研究(2012-K8-42),住房和城乡建设部2012年科学技术项目计划-研究开发项目(信息化技术),主持,30万元,2012.01-2013.12,完成
[4] 国家科技支撑计划项目《粤港澳水量与水环境遥感监测系统与应用》(项目编号:2012BAH32B03)承担“水质水量遥感监测系统构建技术”项目子课题,到位课题经费36万元,国家科技部, 2012.01.01-2014.12.30,完成
[5] 珠三角物流企业网络组织与空间优化(2016A030313551),主持,广东省自然科学基金,10万元, 2016.6.1-2019.6.1,完成
[6] 基于无人机航测的三维实景重建平台关键技术研究,2017年广东省科技计划发展专项资金(前沿与关键技术创新项目-重大科技专项项目编号:601010),90万元,2016.12.01-2019.11.30 ,在研
[7] 面向“多规合一”空间性规划的时态基础地理信息更新关键技术及其应用,广州市科技计划项目(20180203008),48万元,2018.1-2020.1,在研
[8] 广东省研究生教育创新计划项目(2017QTLXXM45),地理信息系统优秀案例库建设,5万元,2018.01-2019.12,完成
[9] 制造业集群创新网络的空间结构与演进机制—以珠三角典型制造业集群为例,国家自然科学基金项目(41771127),排名第二,65万元,2018.1-2021.12,在研
[10] 国家重点研发计划课题:城市多规数据融合与动态认知平台关键技术研究与示范(物联网与智慧城市关键技术及示范专题)课题三:城市空间规划精准管控技术-子课题4:市域生态控制线精细划定技术(2018YFB2100703),62.5万元,2019.07-2022.06,在研
[11] 惠州市国土资源信息化“十三五”规划,主持,惠州市国土资源局,18万元,2015.11.1-2016.12.31,完成
[12] 广州市地理国情监测-生态空间动态监测及评价,主持,广州市房地产测绘院,15万元,2016.8.31-2017.8.31,完成


[1] 软件著作权-村镇建设用地再开发数据发布与应用系统 V1.0,登记号:2016SR295706,发布日期:2016.7.25,证书编号:01281662
[2] 软件著作权-村镇建设用地再开发评价模型库系统 V1.0,登记号:2016SR327440,发布日期:2016.10.17,证书编号:01316215
[3] 软件著作权-村镇建设用地再开发综合数据库管理软件系统 V1.0,登记号:2015SR216440,发布日期:2015.8.25,证书编号:00850850
[4] 实用新型专利证书-一种无人机单镜头旋转式倾斜摄影云台,发明人:谢增辉 吴志峰 陈颖彪,专利号:ZL 2017 2 0416755.9,申请日期:2017年4月20日,授权日期:2017年12月05日,证书编号:第6689543号
[5] 实用新型专利证书-一种应用于无人机的混合式总线连接器,发明人:谢增辉 吴志峰 陈颖彪,专利号:ZL 2017 2 0417759.9,申请日期:2017年4月20日,授权日期:2017年12月05日,证书编号:第6689483号
[6] 技术发明专利:一种城市热岛范围的提取方法及装置,发明人:郭冠华 吴志峰 陈颖彪,申请公布号:CN 108332859 A,申请号:201810056935.X申请日期:2018年1月18日,公布日期:2018年7月27日


[1] 陈健飞;陈颖彪;吴志峰;夏丽华;王芳,地方高校GIS应用型人才培养模式的创新与实践,国家测绘地理信息局首届测绘地理信息教学成果奖三等奖,第二完成人,2012.05,证书编号:20110306
[2] 陈健飞;陈颖彪;区奕甫,广州大学第五届教学成果二等奖,地方高校GIS专业开发双语教学的探索和实践,2012,广州大学
[3] 孟庆岩,占玉林,吴志峰,杨健,胡新礼,陈颖彪,孙震辉,张琳琳,张佳晖,王靓,刘苗,李小江,王春梅,郭冠华,孙云晓,城市陆表环境遥感监测信息产品提取技术与应用,2015年地理信息科技进步一等奖,第六完成人,2015.1.8
[4] 夏丽华,陈颖彪,吴志峰,王芳,崔海山,赵冠伟,蔡砥,广州大学第七届教学成果奖二等奖,“三位一体贯通式”教学模式创新与实践,排名第二,2017年1月
[5] 夏丽华,吴志峰,钱乐祥,陈颖彪等,“三位一体贯通式”教学模式创新与实践,全国高校GIS教学成果一等奖,2017.08, 证书编号:2017JX002-(00)
[6] 城乡规划监督测绘全过程智能服务关键技术研究与应用,获2018年中国高校科研成果(科技进步二等奖),排名第九,2019年1月
[7] 慕课与翻转课堂相结合的教学模式研究与实践,获2019年第二届全国高等学校GIS教学成果奖一等奖,排名第四,2019年6月